Undeployment of composite using WLST

Monday, October 17, 2016

Connect to wlst like below orcl@host:/product/fmw/Oracle_SOA/common/bin$ ./wlst.sh   wls:/offline> connect('username','password','t3://host:7001') Connecting to t3://host:7001 with userid username ... Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'domain'.   wls:/domain/serverConfig>   Undeloy:: wls:/domain/serverConfig> sca_undeployComposite('http://host:8001','composite_name',’revision’) serverURL = http://host:8001 user = None partition = default compositeName = composite_name revision = x.x timeout= -1 compositeDN = default/composite_name!x.x INFO: Creating HTTP connection to host:host, port:8001 Enter username and password for realm 'default' on host localhost:8001 Authentication Scheme: Basic Username: username Password: INFO: Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200 ---->Undeploying composite (default/composite_name!x.x) success.   Syntax --  sca_undeployComposite(serverURL, compositeName, revision, [user], [password], [partition]) By: Charanraj Keerthipati

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