The Benefits of Moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud in Higher Education

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
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PeopleSoft is a popular enterprise resource planning (ERP) system many higher education institutions use worldwide. It is a powerful tool to help institutions manage their finances, human resources, student records, and other critical operations. However, PeopleSoft can be complex and expensive to maintain on-premises.

Moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud offers several benefits for higher education institutions. These benefits include:

  • Reduced costs: Cloud computing can help institutions save money on hardware, software, and IT staff costs. Pay-as-you-go pricing is offered by cloud service providers, so institutions only pay for the resources they consume. This can be a significant savings, especially for smaller institutions.
  • Improved performance and reliability: Cloud providers offer a highly scalable and reliable infrastructure. This means that institutions can be confident that their PeopleSoft system will be available and performant, even during periods of high demand.
  • Increased agility and innovation: Cloud computing can help institutions become more innovative and agile. Institutions can quickly and easily scale their PeopleSoft system up or down as needed and promptly deploy new features and updates. This can help institutions keep up with the changing needs of their students and faculty.
  • Enhanced security: Cloud providers provide a variety of security features and services that can assist institutions in protecting their data and systems. . These features include encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

In addition to these general benefits, moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud can offer specific benefits for higher education institutions in addition to these general benefits. For example, cloud-based PeopleSoft systems can help institutions:

  • Improve student success: Institutions can use cloud-based PeopleSoft systems to give students better access to their academic and financial information. This can help students stay on track and graduate on time.
  • Increase faculty productivity: Institutions can use cloud-based PeopleSoft systems to automate administrative tasks like grading and payroll. This can free up faculty to focus on teaching and research.
  • Make better decisions: Institutions can use cloud-based PeopleSoft systems to generate analytics and reports to help them make better decisions about their operations and resources.

Moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud can offer several benefits for higher education institutions. These benefits include reduced costs, improved performance and reliability, increased agility and innovation, and enhanced security.

Here are some examples of how higher education institutions are benefiting from moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud:

  • Arizona State University: ASU saved over $1 million annually by moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud. The university also experienced improved performance and reliability, as well as increased agility and innovation.
  • University of California, Berkeley: UC Berkeley improved the performance of its PeopleSoft system by 50% by moving to the Cloud. The university also saved money on IT costs and was able to focus its IT staff on more strategic initiatives.
  • University of Texas at Austin: UT Austin improved the security of its PeopleSoft system by moving to the Cloud. The university also gained the ability to scale its system up or down as needed, which has helped it to keep up with the changing needs of its students and faculty.

If you are a higher education institution that is considering moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Choose the right cloud provider: There are several different cloud providers. Make sure to choose a provider with experience working with higher education institutions and offering the features and services you need.
  • Plan your migration carefully: Migrating PeopleSoft to the Cloud can be complex. Planning your migration carefully and working with an experienced partner is essential.
  • Train your staff: Once your PeopleSoft system has been migrated to the Cloud, you must train your staff on how to use the new system.

Moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud can be an excellent way for higher education institutions to save money, improve performance and reliability, increase agility and innovation, and enhance security. If you are considering moving PeopleSoft to the Cloud, choose the right provider, plan your migration carefully, and train your staff.

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