The 4 Factors to a successful Security and Segregation of Duties implementation in PeopleSoft

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The 4 Factors to a successful Security and Segregation of Duties implementation in PeopleSoft Original Webinar

Most Organizations understand the need for effective Security and Access Controls in their ERP system. However, the process of getting started and managing Security is hampered by a series of questions:

>Who should own the Access/SoD Reviews?

>How do we work together as departments to ‘iron out’ our weaknesses and problems?

>How do we make the best decisions regarding what access to give and take from our Users

>How do we automate this process?

Without answering these basic questions, most projects are not going to be successful. In this session, we will help you understand the keys to success that have been tried and tested time and again. We’ll discuss the 4 factors that go into a successful Security management process that will ensure your Security endures for years to come.

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