Simplifying Business Intelligence with Analytics in the Cloud

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Simplifying Business Intelligence with Analytics in the Cloud BI Cloud is here!   No infrastructure, no capital costs - just a fast, flexible way to combine all the data you need to find out what's happening in your business - and why.  

  • Nearly 70% of medium and large organizations use or plan to implement cloud within the next 12 months
  • Cloud analytics market is growing 3x faster than on-premises deployments

  Self-service for business users

  • Enable reliability and flexibility without sacrificing governance
  • Upload your own data
  • Gain immediate access to analytics and create meaningful reports

  Strengthen the partnership between business users and IT that satisfies both stakeholder needs

  • Based on a platform that supports the whole process, from loading data to creating dashboards and reports
  • For an organization that runs on a single version of the truth

  Ensure the lowest risk

  • An end-to-end service that is 100% owned and managed by Oracle, with 99.5% availability
  • No shipping of data to 3rd parties
  • Maximum security for your data, maximum flexibility for your business

  Business Intelligence Cloud Service combines the strength of enterprise-class analytics with the simplicity of the cloud, offering business users and IT a secure, accessible platform for finding insights and making better, faster decisions.   Embrace it with secure self-service for the entire business!

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