Resolve the Error During Report Server Migration

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How do you resolve the error during report server Migration “SQL Standard Edition doesn't support a Scale-out deployment.” This article describes SSRS scale-out deployment configuration error that can occur during migration of the ReportServer database from SSRS 2012 Enterprise to SSRS 2016 Standard (Native mode). When importing encryption keys from the source server, a scale-out deployment server is added to the configuration on the new target server that cannot be removed through the user interface. The scale-out deployment configuration is also not supported by the SSRS 2016 Standard edition. Scenario: We have two servers. Server1 has SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition Database Engine installed, Server2 has SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition with only the Reporting Services and IIS installed. We have to migrate the ReportServer & ReportServerTempDB databases from server 1 to server 3 has SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition and reporting configuration need to migrate Server 2 to Server 4 ( has SQL server 2012 Standard edition) The ReportServer & ReportServerTempDB databases have been restored to Server3 form the Server 1 server (OldServer1) and are referred to using the Configure Reporting Servers utility on Server4 (using a SQL login). With everything installed and the encryption key restore I can browse to localhost/reports on Server4 and the report manager displays an error saying that - "The feature: "Scale-out deployment" is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services." Resolution:- Migration steps:

  1. Backup ReportServer database on source machine
  2. Backup encryption keys on the source machine
  3. Restore of ReportServer on the target machine
  4. Change/connect the database to Reporting Services on the target machine using Microsoft Reporting Services Configuration Manager
  5. Restore encryption keys on the target machine

Scale-out Deployment configuration error- However, when doing step 5 the old server will be added for scale-out deployment on the target machine. If the source and target machine are using different licenses of Reporting Services you might encounter issues that some features are not supported when migrating to a less featured SQL server license. One such issue can be when you try to browse to the report manager URL and get the following error: The feature: “Scale-out deployment” is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services. (rsOperationNotSupported) Solution Open up table dbo.Keys in the ReportServer database on the target server and look at its contents: Delete the old server from the list and the scale-out deployment error should be gone when you open up report manager URL. (At least if you do not have any additional enterprise/developer features referenced from the report server database) 6. DELETE FROM [ReportServer].[dbo].[Keys] 7. WHERE MachineName = 'YourSourceServerName'

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