On Premise To The Cloud

Saturday, August 14, 2021

You may think you settled the ERP issue many years ago. When you moved your previous software to what should have been an all-in-one solution, you thought you were set for the long haul. But as your IT staff are probably telling you, upgrades are a necessity, in order to keep step with changing technology and provide optimal benefit to your business.   The evolution of Oracle to the Cloud and a new, enhanced platform will not only make your working life easier: it will save you time and money. Consider this and these other reasons why you should take a step towards a modern ERP solution.   Understanding the Terms: Cloud, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS Before you consider transitioning to a new ERP, it may be helpful to understand some of the terms used by IT professionals. Cloud-based ERP is accessed through the internet via an online subscription service. The software is not installed on your local servers or in-office hard drives. That is why you will often hear the phrase SaaS, or “software as a service,” used to describe the Cloud. PaaS, or platform as a service, is an extension of the SaaS concept. It includes both hardware and software, and is particularly useful for software developers. IaaS, or infrastructure as a service, is a full-suite model that includes hardware, software, storage, servers and other elements of a company’s IT.

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