How To Know When It's Time To Upgrade to the Cloud

Monday, August 1, 2022

If the current software you’re using is responding slower than before or working inefficiently, can’t get new updates, still has multiple systems or requires you to manually input information more than once, it may be time to upgrade your ERP and help your business get back on track. However, moving on from your legacy ERP system may be a daunting task. There’s a temptation to delay upgrades because of the perceived inconvenience and cost. Still, delaying your upgrade can put your organization at a competitive disadvantage. Your ERP, at the very minimum, should support your company’s growth, not impede your extended reach into more markets. Here are a few signs to look for indicating that it is time for an upgrade: You can’t get new updates. Users of many legacy systems find that the company that created the software has stopped supporting their version with new updates. While the product may still work for you on a day-to-day basis, this lack of incremental improvements is a sign it will soon be outdated. If you just bought new hardware, like a laptop, and can’t load the ERP, that’s a sure sign the technology you need to run your ERP is leaving it behind. You still have multiple systems. ERP by its nature should prevent duplication. But perhaps a company merger or acquisition has
left you with several versions of ERP. Your data should be in one place and be easily accessible by people with the right credentials across the organization. If you have to look in more than one place for whatever piece of information you need, it’s time to upgrade. You still have to manually input information more than once. ERP is supposed to solve this data entry issue. But for several reasons, you may be in a situation where you have to start from square one with your information. Remember—duplication is never something you want as it increases the possibility of errors and adds extra work. You are not satisfied with your reporting and data analytics functions. These are vital to modern business and likely a reason you switched to your legacy ERP from your previous IT system in the first place. Upgrading your ERP system will have stronger analytics, thus allowing you to produce reports that give you up-to-date, relevant and user-friendly information. Your employees complain about inefficiencies. If rumblings are coming from your ice cubicles, listen closely. Your employees might be on to something bigger that’s affecting the quality of your product development, manufacturing and customer service. Employees usually know best how to do their jobs and if a computer system is making them frustrated, they are probably not putting their best foot forward for your company.

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