
Double-Click Backup and Restore in LiteSpeed

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A double-click restore is an executable that has an .exe extension and performs a database restore when double-clicked. An executable file allows to restore a backup on a server instance that does not have LiteSpeed installed. Notes:

To create a double-click executable, do one of the following:

There is two options to create the EXE backup .You can create by SQL script either use LiteSpeed Console wizard . SQL Script: Double click restoration: Like Example TEST database Command: SQL script:(Need to change the exe file name as per the database and date). It is crete simple EXE file. exec master.dbo.xp_backup_database @database = N'TEST', @backupname = N'TEST - Full Database Backup', @desc = N'Full Backup of TEST on 4/8/2010 5:31:35 AM', @compressionlevel = 1, @filename = N'H:\MSSQL2005\backups\user\TEST_db__LS_20100408053200.exe', @init = 1, @doubleclick = 1 , @with = N'SKIP', @with = N'STATS = 10' GO Thorough LiteSpeed Console GUI Screen:




Select the Backup location and choose the overwrite option:


Check the box “double-click restore"


In that page you can choose the encryption option and password part if needed.




To restore a double-click executable, do one of the following:


In the below page you can change the database file as per the current server situation. The decryption button you can use the password if the database file is password protected.

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