Creating a Domain in the WebLogic Application Server

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

To create a Domain using Console Mode, the user will first need to go through the WebLogic server command bin and execute the following command:

  There are two options the user could choose from: either create a new domain or extend the existing domain.  

Option 1: Creating a New Domain

After selecting Option 1, the user will be presented with WebLogic components. Here, the user will have the ability to choose the components that he or she wants to support in the domain.

Users can also choose to select advanced services JAX-RPS and JAX WS services. They are usually unselected by default, but in this case, all have been selected.

Users will need to enter a value for the base Domain. Here, EAA_NEEHAR_SMARTERP has been entered as the domain name.

If needed, users can modify or discard any changes. No modifications are needed at this point, so by default, we will hit enter.

Here, the default value for the time Domain location has already been selected. Otherwise, the domain location can be changed.

Next, users will want to create a WebLogic password. Passwords should have a combination of AlphaNumeric characters. To confirm the user password, press Option 3.

Users should input the password. The sample here is weblogic1.

From here, users will have two options to choose from: Development (Option 1) or Production mode (Option 2).

Mode 1: Development Mode

To select JROCKIT, users should select 1.

Here, two items have been selected: Administration server and Managed Servers and Clusters and Machines.

Here, the default name has been used for the Admin server. If users wish to change the name, they can do so by using Option 1.

Users should enter a name when creating a managed server.

Users will then have the many options, including changing ports.

When done, users can finish the process by pressing 5. After the process is completed, users can add another managed server by selecting 1 and repeating the process for all four managed servers.

Here, the option has been titled "Cluster SMARTERP."

Cluster mode can be changed to either unicast or multicast.

To assign all managed servers to the same cluster, users should select all Option 2. Then, hit enter.

The managed servers can then be assigned to different machines, such as Machine 1 and Machine 2.

Once that is done, users will need to assign the servers to their respective machines. For example, users can first select 1.1 for Machine 1 and assign 1, 3, 5 (Admin, Smarterp2, 4) and then select (smarterp1, 3) for Machine 2.

After the user has completed assigning machines, he or she can hit enter.

The following is the newly created domain.

Here, node manager has been configured as service. Users should check whether their node manager is running or not and then, start the Admin server.

The domain name EAA_NEEHAR_SMARTERP has been created and Smarterp1 and Smarterp3 are assigned to Machine2 and Admin, Smarterp2 and Smarterp4 are assigned to Machine 1. All the servers are in the SmartERP cluster as previously required. Users can then log in to the Console to start the Managed Servers.

No items found.